This shouldn’t necessarily lead to assumptions that the company’s new console will arrive before the year is out however, It may just be that Nintendo expects to have enough hardware stockpiled by then to tide them over to the NX’s eventual release, though it remains a possibility. 

Rumours surrounding the NX have been coming thick and fast of late with a supposed leak of the new controller, which features a touchscreen encompassing the entire front surface, matching a patent filed by the company that was snooped earlier in the year. The much anticipated Legend Of Zelda: Wii U has also reportedly been shifted to a NX launch title with a possible simultaneous release on both consoles, but for the moment it’s all just hearsay.

If the report is revealed to be true, how do you feel about the news? Are you disappointed by the move or do you feel the console has had it’s day already and Nintendo should cut their losses? Let us know in the comments below.