With Nintendo Account, users will be able to connect their smart mobile devices, their computers, and their Nintendo hardware. Users can log in with Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, email, or a Nintendo Network ID to access a variety of features that link their hardware.
Current Development
Cross-device purchase: Buy a game while using your computer or smart device and it will automatically download onto your Wii U or 3DS
Receive personalized notices and gifts: Purchase and play records will be tracked via member profiles for personalized notices.
Be alerted to amiibos pertaining to your favorite games. Get notified of new add-on content. Birthday surprises!
Point Program: Similar to Club Nintendo, players earn points by playing games either on game systems or mobile apps. Also earn points via purchasing software.
Points can go toward content on both game systems and smart devices. Some things you can buy with points include:
Add-on content Original merchandise Discount Coupons
Friendship Networking: Make friends! Friendships can be used for software on game systems and smart device apps.
My Nintendo: This is a new Nintendo membership service. It is the bridge between your smart devices and game systems. To get started, Nintendo has launched Miitomo, a free mobile communication app that uses your personalized Mii character.
Future Plans
Cloud Data: Save your game save data and character data to the cloud system for use on software on both game systems and mobile apps.
Real-Life Benefits: Receive membership service benefits at real-life places like your local stores, theaters, and amusement parks.
My Nintendo (and Miitomo) will be available March 2016.