[via IGN] 

Miyamoto noted that the conventions of Mario are more difficult to challenge because accessibility to a large audience is something Mario games are known for.

The Wii U saw Mario games like Super Mario Maker, and although this title was classic Mario platformer, the game did allow for players to create their own levels– something innovative and convention challenging. New Super Mario Bros. U was also in classic Mario style. Super Mario 3D World, however, was a great installment and re-imagining of Mario tropes. 

The Wii U did not see a 3D platformer Mario game in a style such as Super Mario Sunshine or Super Mario Galaxy, so perhaps Miyamoto could be hinting at the development of a full scale 3D Mario game that could break conventions like Zelda is doing. 

[Image from Wikipedia] 

There is still little known about Nintendo’s NX, so maybe we will see something groundbreaking for Mario games on the system. Something of Galaxy’s caliber would be amazing to see. 

What kinds of conventions would you like to see Nintendo break? Should Nintendo continue the trend of convention breaking for their games that are known for their classic styles? 

[Source image courtesy of Independent]