Night in the Woods revolves around the story of ac atgirl named Mae, who has just returned to her small home town of Possum Springs after suddenly dropping out of college for reasons that aren’t immediately clear. As she begins to reconnect with her friends – the best she can – and see how much has changed at home, she suddenly finds herself entangled in a possibly supernatural conflict that may threaten her and everyone she cares about.

The gameplay takes a serious backseat to the game’s story, as the experience is primarily narrative-driven and based on uncovering the mystery. Though there is still gameplay to be had in the form of different mini-games that range from shop-lifting to knife-fighting and band practice, your primary means of exploration are running and platforming around the town. 

Night in the Woods will be coming to iOS devices in 2018, with no other mobile platforms confirmed at the time of this writing. You can watch a trailer for the game right below.