When NieR released in 2010, it was not the most well-noticed of games, nor was it the most critically acclaimed. Fortunately, that did not stop Taro Yoko, the game’s director and writer, who is also the creator of the Drakengard series, from arriving onstage at Sony’s E3 conference this year (concealing his face, as is typical for the camera-shy creator), to announce, shockingly, another NieR game.

Today, Sony uploaded the trailer to this follow-up, titled NieR: Automata, fresh from their Paris Games Week conference.

Stylistically reminiscent of other Platinum Games, it seems we’re going to be getting that same, solid gameplay we’ve come to expect from the company, intermingled with the artistic vision of Taro Yoko himself. 

The game is set to release in 2016, but an exact date is not yet determined.

NieR  Automata s first gameplay trailer is fast and explosive - 72