As ET as of late uncovered, Rock made the joke being alluded to during another show in Phoenix, Arizona. According to a spectator, the subject came up when Rock said that he was drawn nearer to have the next year’s Oscars after Will Smith slapped him at the January capability following a youngster about his significant other, Jada Pinkett Smith.

“Chris joked that returning to the Oscars would resemble returning to the area of the wrongdoing,” the passerby perpetually said “that it would resemble mentioning that Nicole Brown Simpson return to the Italian bistro where she left her glasses” before she was killed. O.J. Simpson stood primer for the killings of his ex and Ron Goldman. He was justified.

Brown alluded to the youngster about her sister as “Past hostile” in an Instagram post, before pummeling Rock for joking about Pinkett Smith’s alopecia at the Oscars.

— New York Post (@nypost) September 1, 2022

“Nothing engaging about his joke towards Jada as she encounters a condition and nothing intriguing about comparing an Oscar have hello to a twofold wrongdoing,” Brown formed. “I for the most part thought he was entertaining, nonetheless, he went excessively far with this one.”

Brown shut her post by telling Rock and various comedians to “quit using my sister, OJ, and Ron some portion of your cricking spoof act,” adding, “There are families behind this adversity!”