After gaining some notoriety for games like The Binding of Isaac, Nicalis seems to be setting its eyes on a new horizon for development with this multi-game spread for Switch owners. 

While we cannot be certain what these games will be (since they are blurred out of the image), fans have been speculating and making guesses as to what might be in store for them in the near future. 

Some believe that the bottom left game is going to be a re-release of Code of Princess, and that the game above that will be a Nintendo Switch version of VVVVVV. Fans also think that the bottom right game will be a re-release of 1001 Spikes. 

However, there is always the possibility that these games are not re-releases, but instead new entries in a series for their respective IPs.There is also a slight possibility that these are brand new games altogether that fans haven’t seen before. 

At the moment, there’s no other information about these upcoming titles, but we’ll keep an eye out for anything that’s revealed. Stay tuned!

What do you think Nicalis has up its sleeve for the Nintendo Switch? Any guesses as to what these mystery games might be? Let us know down in the comments!