This picture (right) shows Pokenchi presenter Shoko Nakagawa sitting at a Pokken Tournament cabinet. At the top of the unit is a poster that one would typically expect to see for various arcade fighters, displaying the moves and special attacks of the character with an image of the fighter as well. However, in this picture we see a Pokemon that hasn’t been seen yet: Sceptile.

What’s more, the printed instructions - according to Nintendo Life - appears to show Farfetch’d and Electrode as supporting characters. Personally, I don’t see the latter, but Sceptile is certainly there in all its green and bulbed-back glory.

Does this confirm that the December 10th announcement will be Sceptile? Pretty much. However, I’m not entirely sold on one of the support characters. Electrode’s there (the red box), but I can’t see Farfetch’d at all. Maybe I’m just blind.

The Pokken Tournament new fighter announcement comes after a fan poll earlier this year in Japan where players could vote toward which Pokemon they would like to see in the next patch.

Next Pokken Tournament reveal likely to be Sceptile   Pokk n Tournament - 73Next Pokken Tournament reveal likely to be Sceptile   Pokk n Tournament - 88