Instead of moving from the 10 series to the 11 series as some rumors had previously suggested, it appears Nvidia’s newest Turing-powered graphics cards will instead bear the 20 series moniker. According to reports, these RayTracing, DirectX 12 capable cards will even be available for purchase when they are announced at Nvidia’s pre-event press conference on Monday.

CNET states the cards will presumably first be available in Sweden. Currently, there are no rumblings of a stateside release, although CNET postulates there very well could be a worldwide, or at least multinational, launch following the Gamescom announcement. 

Rumored pricing for the graphics cards in the 20 series don’t appear to be all that bad, either, with the RTX 2080, which is taking the place of the current GTX 1080, coming in around $500-$700. Considering that price range, it’s conceivable that current Nvidia GPU prices will start to tumble, making the 1080ti more affordable in the coming months. 

Specs have also been “released” for each card, sans the RTX 2080ti. You can view them in the link to the original CNET article above. 

Stay tuned to GameSkinny for more news and info on Nvidia’s inevitable GPU unveiling at Gamescom next week.