New amiibos

Two new amiibos hitting retailers will be themed after the new Mario game announced at E3, Super Mario Maker. Made especially for the 30th anniversary of Mario, there will be two options: traditional NES Super Mario Bros. “Classic Colors” including brown and red, and a more new-age Mario found in 3D World with red and blue called deemed as “Modern Colors.”

New Wii U Premium Pack

This new pack that will be originally sold in Europe, will include a black Wii U console, physical copy of Super Mario Maker, hardcover artwork book, and the “Classic Color” Mario amiibo. It’s unsure when this will make it to North America, but will be available in Europe on September 11th, and September 12th in Australia. 

At the same time, if customers want to just buy the Super Mario Maker Limited Edition (without console), they’ll receive the “Classic Color” Mario amiibo, artwork book, and physical game. For a cheaper price, you can just receive the physical game and artwork book without the amiibo.

Collecting amiibos?

Should you want to simply expand your collection of amiibos, the single “Classic Color” Mario amiibo will be available at the same time, on September 11th in Europe and the 12th in Australia. The “Modern Color” Mario amiibo variance will be available October 23rd in Europe and the 24th in Australia. 

While there isn’t any news yet for United States dates on the Wii U bundle or amiibos, they’re bound to hit retailers before the Holiday season.