The Technomancer comes to life in this dramatic trailer released for Gamescom 2015. For those of you just now hearing about this game, this RPG stars hero Zachariah who explores Mars - the planet, not the chocolate candy. The game takes place after the human colonization on the Red Planet, and everything is now in ruins, with many artifacts, relics, and hordes of mutants - er, “physically scarred by cataclysms of the past” humans - to come across.

Cops on Mars

In the trailer, Zachariah is trying and failing to communicate with Mother Earth. A secret police force is hunting and chasing the Technomancer all over Mars, accompanied by music from renowned composer Olivier Derivière - who also worked on Remember Me, Assassin’s Creed IV - Freedom Cry, and several others. 

Each quest Zachariah carries out has a different outcome, depending on how the gamer decides to play it. As usual for RPGs, interacting with companions is important, and it is possible to build friendships with them. The game offers 3 different combat styles and countless ways to develop the Technomancer’s melee combat and lightning abilities. 

The Technomancer is planned to be released in 2016.