Lead Co-Op Designer David Sum and Terran Champion Nathan “Nathanias” Fabrikant will head the unveiling of the new Co-Op Commander soon to be released. They’ll cover the new Commander’s abilities and characteristics, as well as what will make this new character really stand out. Sum will explain why they designed the Commander the way they did and what they expect it do before handing it off to Nathanias to show those in attendance what it can do with a more hands-on approach.

With Nathanias being a Terran Champion, many fans are speculating that the new commander will be as well. This has led to many using Starcraft lore to theorize that the new Commander will be either Fenix/Talandar or Tosh.

If you want to catch up and get your hands on some of Starcraft II’s past Commanders, you can pick up a bundle here. And don’t worry if you can’t make the stream. Blizzard will also hold a Q&A to cover anything you might’ve missed.

Who do you think the new Commander will be? Let us know in the comments.