This part of the guide will cover all LenTalk requests on the three islands:

Voluca Durice Aurus

If you’re looking for other three islands, then refer to our guide on Florio, Belusylva, Maricopia requests.

All New Pokemon Snap Requests: Voluca

Striking a Pose with Its Tail

Throw several Illumina Orbs at the three Crystalblooms at the start This action will reveal the first Skorupi, while on Research Level 2, another Skorupi will fall from the sky When two Skorupi face each other, throw an orb at them and take a photo

The Flying Cacnea

Find Cacnea next to a tornado to your left Once the tornado picks Cacnea up in the air, take a photo

Where Did the Fluffruit Go?

Throw several orbs at the three Crystalblooms at the start Wait for the sand vortex to disappear and throw a Fluffruit on its place Once Flygone picks it up, follow the main path In the end you will see Flygone feeding the fruit to two Tripanch, take a photo of this

Munching Mandibuzz

Toss a fruit at a Mandibuzz on an alternate route to your right Once it picks up the fruit, take a photo

A Finicky Flame

Throw a few orbs at Torchic near the oasis Toss a fruit near him and once he starts burning it, take a photo

Sprinting in Surprise

Toss some fruits into the pond at the oasis When Magikarp appears scaring away Helilisk, take a photo

Lycanroc’s Reply

Scan the area to your right to reveal Lycanroc Once Lycanroc approaches the edge of the cliff, take a photo

Oasis Buddies

Throw some orbs at Torchic and Hippowdon near the oasis Once Torchic jumps on the Hippowdon’s head, take a photo

Totally Cool Tyranitar

Scan the alternate path to the right to reveal Tyranitar Lure Lycanroc with fruits to get closer to Tyranitar Throw an orb at Tyranitar and once it crashes the rock, take a photo

Onix’s Mighty Leap

Toss a couple of fruits at two Mandibuzz past the oasis Toss another fruit at the third Mandibuzz to your left Once all three Mandibuzz fly up and Onix appears, take a photo

Roll and Stop

Toss a fruit at Sandshrew at the beginning Once it stops spinning, take a photo

Hide-and-Seek in the Desert

Use scanner to reveal Trapinch near the lake Once you find it, take a photo

Kangaskhan’s Parenting

Use scanner to find Minior and throw an orb at it Take the alternate left path to oasis and find Minior join Kangaskhan Once they’re done playing, play a melody and toss a fruit When Kangaskhan gives a fruit to Minior, take a photo

Revenge of Silicobra

Toss a fruit at Silicobra near two Skorupi at the beginning Toss another fruit at Silicobra’s snout appearing to your left Take the alternate left path to oasis and toss a third fruit at it Once it pops out of the ground and starts throwing sand at Lycanroc, take a photo

Rainbow Meteor Shower

Use scanner to reveal the first three Miniors at the start and throw orbs at them The 4th and 5th Miniors are to your right, so keep throwing orbs The 6th and 7th are beside Cacnea The 8th one is near Skorupi The 9th is to your right near three Crystalblooms The 10th is right behind the hill Once all Minior fly over the oasis, take a photo

The Singing Dragon

When you hear singing in the distance, play a melody Keep playing melody until the singing stops Once it stops, a group of Altaria will fly away, take a photo of this

Little Lost Shinx

Lure Shinx closer to Luxray using fruits at the start Once they come together, take a photo

Luxray Vision

Find Luxray in front of a large magma area Throw an orb at him and take a photo

A Skilled Hunter

Toss a fruit at Talonflame on a rock in front of a cave Once he takes the fruit, take a photo

A Goofy Pose

Throw an orb at Monferno that comes out of the cave and climbs on a rock Once he turns his back on you, take a photo

Rest Your Wings

Toss a fruit at one of the Typhlosion on an alternate path When Aerodactyl appears, toss him a fruit and take a photo of him eating

A Quaking Volcano

Throw an orb at one of the Monfernos on the rocks at the beginning Once they’re inside a cave, throw an orb at the one on the left When Tyrantrum wakes up and hits his head on the rocks, take a photo

When Graveler Shows Its Hand

Toss some fruits at the two Gravelers to your right and one to the left When the Graveler appears from the lava, toss him another fruit and take a photo of him reaching for it

Archeops at Ease

Toss a fruite at one of the Archeops in front of the cave (RL2) Once he starts eating it, take a photo

Climbing the Lavafall

Throw orbs at three Slugma to make them fall into the lava in the lava room. They can be seen to your right, in the center, and at the end. Once the final Slugma starts climbing out of the lava, take a photo

So Excited!

Throw an orb at the sleeping Torkoal in the magma room Once he wakes up, throw another orb at him and take a photo

Volcanic Hide-and-Seek

Throw an orb at Crystalbloom at the end of the main path Toss fruits at the group of Charmanders Play a melody to make Charizard fly around When Charizard lands and Charmander starts jumping, take a photo

Red-Hot Energy

Throw some orbs at two Charmanders on the bottom of a lava pit on the alternate path Toss a fruit at Graveler on the wall to make it fall down Once Charizard appears, take a photo

Typhlosion Explosion

Toss a fruit at Typhlosion at the start Throw an orb at Typhlosion fighting Aerodactyl in the sky Once it starts exploding from within, take a photo

3,000-Degree Flames

Throw an orb at Crystalbloom in the blue magma room on an alternate path to your right Toss fruits near Flareon and once he starts buring them, take a photo

A Slice of Rainbow

Find Charmander to your right (RL3) Wait for Ho-Oh pass by and take a photo

Vocal Volcarona

Toss a fruit at Volcarona to your left on an alternate path Throw more orbs and fruits at two Volcarona on the main path Wait for both Volcarona to fly over Crystalbloom and take a photo

All New Pokemon Snap Requests: Durice

Frolicking Furret

Throw an orb at Crystalbloom to your right When Furret runs out into the hole, toss a fruit at the hole Once he shows up again, play a melody and take a photo of him dancing

Snowfield Hide-and-Seek

Toss a fruit at a snowy hill at the beginning When Cubchoo appears, take a photo

Duel on the Snowfields

Toss a fruit at Beartic outside of the ice cave Once he starts roaring, take a photo

Message from a Friend

Lure Weavile to the marked tree at the end of the path using fruits Once he’s there, throw an orb at both him and a tree, then take a photo

Dig Here, Swinub!

Lure Swinub to the Crystalbloom at the final area using fruits Throw an orb at the Crystalbloom Once a hot spring appears and lifts up Swinub, take a photo

The Wrath of Mamoswine

Follow steps from Message from a Friend request Toss a fruit at Swinub at the top of the hill When two Weaviles start chasing Swinub, throw orbs at them Once Mamoswine appears, take a photo

Skarmory’s Flying Show

Find a group of Mamoswines on the right side of the main path Once Skarmory flies above them in a spin, take a photo

Find that Perfect Timing

Find Sandslash digging in the snow Toss a fruit at it and take a photo

In the Blizzard

The first Snom can be seen to the left as soon as you walk on an alternate path The second one can be seen to the right near the tree The third one can be seen on a tree to your right Take all three photos of Snoms

It Jumped Out at Me!

Scan the area to your left on the alternate path When Crabominable jumps out of the tree, take a photo

Fidgety Snorunt

Toss a fruit at the middle icicle after entering the gave Once Snorunt starts jumping, take a photo

Icy Armor

Find Glalie to your left when you reach the cave Toss a fruit at it and when it activates its armor, take a photo

Icy Playground

Toss a fruit at Spheal outside an ice cave When he falls into the icy water, play a melody Once he pops out of the water, take a photo

Treasure-Hunting Troupe

Throw an orb at the leftmost Pilpup outside an ice cave When he shows the seashell, take a photo

You Can Do It, Vanilluxe!

Play melody to Glaile in the ice cave Throw an orb at Glaile and toss a fruit inside the hole at the ice wall Once Vanilluxe appears and starts eating the fruit, take a photo

Dining Dewgong

Toss fruits at the floating ice outside the cave When Dewgong catches and eats the fruit, take a photo

Gazing Down on the Snowfields

Find Glaceon standing on top of the hill in front of the cave Take a photo before he runs away

Howling at the Heavens

Throw an orb at Furret in the beginning When Mightyena starts howling at the moon, take a photo

Proud Warrior

Toss some fruits at the hole with a hidden Furret When Braviary comes eating the fruits instead, take a photo


Find Sandslash on the left side of the alternate path Follow him through the snow and throw an orb at Crabominable When this disturbs Abomasnow, take a photo

A Safe Place to Sleep

Find a sleeping Vulpix in the hole of the right wall in the cave Take a photo of him sleeping

Present for a Friend

Toss some fruits at the two holes on the right wall of the cave Play a melody to an approaching Delibird When he shows you the fruit, take a photo

Like Powder Snow

Toss a fruit at the Frosmoth on the wall before you climb the hill Toss two more fruits at the two Frosmoths on your way to the cave and inside of it When you see all of them flying outside the cave, hit them with an orb and take a photo

Beyond the Wall of Snow

Follow the steps in the Whiteout request When Abomasnow wakes up, take a photo of Frosslass near the tree

With Their Powers Combined

Toss a fruit at a sleeping Jynx in the cave of the alternate path Lure him to the Crystalbloom using more fruits When two Jynx appear, throw an orb at the Crystalbloom and take a photo

A Sheer Face

Toss a fruit at Avalugg outside the cave When he lifts his foot, take a photo

Shades of Aurorus

Follow the steps in the With Their Powers Combined request When both Jynx summon Aurorus, take a photo

Wish Upon a Shining Sky

Follow the steps in the Beyond the Wall of Snow request Scan to find a new path and follow it Throw an orb at Jynx next to Avalugg When Suicune appears, throw an orb at it, too Once Suicune starts roaring, take a photo

Crobat Touches Down

Toss a fruit at the flying Crobat at the very end of the cave Once it lands, toss him another fruit and take a photo

Joltik Adjoined

Throw orbs at Carbink and Mawile on the alternate path When Diancie appears, throw an orb at it Lure Joltik to Jolteon on your left using fruits When Joltik jumps on top of Jolteon, take a photo

Take a Good, Hard Look

Toss a fruit at Geodude on the left wall of the cave When he starts climbing up, take a photo

Gem Royalty

Throw an orb at Crystalbloom in the final area Throw some orbs at the group of Carbinks and play a melody When Diancie appears, throw an orb at it, too Once Carbink and Diancie start smashing the pink gem, take a photo

Gengar the Prankster

Throw an orb at Gengar’s portal to reveal Gengar Throw an orb at Croagunk nearby When Gengar comes stomping on Croagunk, take a photo

Noibat’s Refined Palate

Toss some fruits at Noibat in the final area of the cave When Noibat approaches the fruit, take a photo

The Biggest Pumpkaboo of All

Throw orbs at the four Pumpkaboos at the start, on the cliff, near waterfall, and next to huge crystals Once Super Size Pumpkaboo appears, take a photo

Croagunk Chorus

Find a group of three Croagunks near the river Play a melody and throw fruit at the middle, top, and bottom one Once they hop into the air, take a photo

Drifloon Puffed Up

Throw an orb at Crystalbloom near a pool of water at the end of the cave When Drifloon in the pool inflate, take a photo

Clefairy by Moonlight

Thrown an orb at Crystalbloom next to a group of Clefairy Play a melody and once they start dancing, take a photo

Sound Asleep

Find a sleeping Sableye on the right path Take a photo of him sleeping

Anger Outlet

Lure Rampardos to the Gengar portal using fruits When Gengar pops out and scares Rampadros, take a photo

Hydreigon Berserk!

Play a melody to Hydreigon floating in the air at the final area Once it floats above the water, toss him a fruit and take a photo

Having a Goodra Time

Throw an orb at the Crystalbloom inside the smaller cavern in the cave Once Goodra appears, take a photo

Look My Way

Follow the steps in the Joltik Adjoined request When another Mewile appears, toss it a fruit and take a photo

Fur Standing On End

Follow the steps in the Joltik Adjoined request When Jolteon approaches Pumpkaboo, throw an orb at Jolteon and take a photo

Myth of the Cave

Follow the steps in the Joltik Adjoined request When Diancie appears and holds hands in the air, take a photo

Steelix Takes a Breather

Throw three orbs at the group of Noibats at the start Find a sleeping Steelix near the end and take a photo

All New Pokemon Snap Requests: Aurus

Houndoom’s Breather

Find Houndoom to your left Once it starts stretching, take a photo

Blowing Seeds

Toss a fruit on top of the ruins to reveal Natu When Eldegoss appears, toss another fruit at Natu Once Natu starts dropping seeds, take a photo

Just Perching Here

Toss a fruit on top of the ruins to reveal Natu When he sits on top of the fruit, take a photo

A White Pokemon

Toss a fruit to Houndoom on the left side Play a melody and Absol will jump off the cliff Toss Absol a fruit and take a photo of him eating

Salandit’s Battle Plan

Toss a fruit on a marked ground to reveal Salandit When Noivern appears and Salandit attacks, take a photo

Gracefully Gliding

Toss a fruit on a marked ground to reveal Salandit When Noivern glides in the air, take a photo

The Mysterious Heart

Toss five fruits into the well in the first area When five Woodbats appear and get stuck on the wall, take a photo

A Break Between Patrols

Find Sigilyph in the room with a huge statue Take a photo of him sleeping

Drowsing Beheeyem

Find Beheeyem in the final room Take a photo of him sleeping

Two Golurk

Toss a couple of fruits at Beheeyems in the final room Throw an orb at Crystalbloom to reveal Golurk Once the other Golurk appears flying, take a photo of both Golurks

Groovy Chandelure

Throw an orb at Chandelure in the large area of the ruins Follow it until it stops and toss a fruit nearby When Chandelure finishes the fruit, play a melody and take a photo of him dancing

Fading into the Shadows

Play melody to Noivern at the start Once he leaves, toss a fruit to reveal Salandit When Umbreon appears, take a photo

Myth of the Ruins

Throw orbs at the six Crystalblooms inside the ruins Throw another orb at Jirachi near one of the statues When he appears at the altar, play a melody Once he starts moving, throw orbs and play melody until he stops When he puts his hands together and sparkles, take a photo

The Power of Xerneas

Throw an orb at the Aura above the pool of water Throw another orb at Xerneas Lure Houndoom to come closer to Xerneas using fruits Toss a fruit at another Houndoom to the left When both Houndooms start charging at Xerneas, he will pull up his legs and you need to take a photo at that very moment

That’s all you need to know on how to complete all New Pokemon Snap requests on Voluca, Durice, Aurus islands. Also, be sure to read our official New Pokemon Snap review!

New Pokemon Snap Lentalk Requests Guide  Voluca  Durice  Aurus   New Pokemon Snap - 74New Pokemon Snap Lentalk Requests Guide  Voluca  Durice  Aurus   New Pokemon Snap - 85New Pokemon Snap Lentalk Requests Guide  Voluca  Durice  Aurus   New Pokemon Snap - 79New Pokemon Snap Lentalk Requests Guide  Voluca  Durice  Aurus   New Pokemon Snap - 56