The highly-anticipated Competitive Play mode, first released earlier this week on PC, is designed to determine which Overwatch players are truly the best. As such, it remains locked until level 25. After reaching level 25, each new player must complete 10 placement matches, which award a skill rating (from 1 to 100). Wins, naturally, improve a player’s skill rating, while losses decrease it. Match victories also lead to Competitive Points, awarded at the end of each season, which can be redeemed for golden weapons for each character. You can read about Competitive Play in greater detail on the Overwatch site.

As previously mentioned, the new patch includes balancing changes for McCree and Widowmaker. McCree’s alternate fire, or “fanning the hammer,” now includes a faster recovery time but does significantly less damage (45 compared to 70 originally). Widowmaker’s sniper rifle now does less damage (but includes a better multiplier for critical hits), and players must wait for the scope animation to complete before being able to aim. Her ult, Infra-Sight, also takes longer to charge than before.

You can read the patch notes in full here. Are there any particular changes you want to see in the next patch? Leave a comment with your ideas below!