The sheet — obviously intended for store employees — details how to ring up the game within 48-hours of launch as well as how to process a trade during the same time period. Effectively, if the purchaser gets the game home and decides they don’t like it, they can bring it back and receive in-store credit for the purchase price.

There are a few stipulations to the deal, though.

First, the deal is only good for the first 48 hours of the game’s launch (April 25 - April 28). Next, only the standard edition of Days Gone qualifies. GameStop will not take back the collector’s edition of the game.

Purchasers are also limited as to how much credit they will receive — $59.99 total and sales tax is not included. As is common for most returns, a receipt will be needed as well.

While the “Guaranteed to Love it” promotion is only good for Days Gone at the moment, it will eventually be expanded to other games.

Confirmation comes from Polygon, who reached out to GameStop to ask about the program. GameStop’s reply noted that the company believes it is staying true to its mission to give “power to the players” and that the promotion gives customers “peace of mind buying video games” at their stores.

GameStop also added that with this system, gamers make their purchase “at no risk”.

Since GameStop will be refunding players with in-store credit, it’s not as risky for the company either. The deal gives players the option of returning the game but assures that GameStop will see that money again at a later time. Or, the purchaser could simply decide it’s not worth the effort and keep the game.