Pokémon revealed today that the legendary Pokémon, Solgaleo and Lunala, for Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon respectively, will have new forms. Solgaleo’s new form is the Radiant Sun Phase and Lunala’s is the Full Moon Phase. Both take these forms when releasing their power and appear much brighter than usual.

In Solgaleo’s Radiant Sun Phase, it appears to have some type of rocks surrounding it. In Lunala’s Full Moon Phase, it has dark clouds surrounding it.

These small details appear to distinguish them from when they’re using their special moves. So it is unknown what will happen when Solgaleo and Lunala take these forms. But we’ll be sure to let you know as soon as more info is revealed.

[Header Image Source; Solgaleo’s and Lunala’s New Forms screenshot from the official website]