Her passing supported the presentation of another food and wellbeing law. The law is named after her.


Her folks assumed an enormous part in accomplishing the accomplishment and were regarded by the request for the British Empire.

Nadim Ednan-Laperouse and mother, Tanya Ednan-Laperouse, are guardians of the late Natasha Ednan-Laperouse.

After Natasha’s demise, Father Nadim gave a web-based parliamentary appeal expressing that food allergen divulgence is vital for individuals’ life.

Both of her folks have been pushing thus for quite a while. They have resolutely battled through @NatashasLegacy to assist with saving lives.

They were respected with OBEs for this purpose.

Natasha was an ordinary teen from Fulham, West London. She was just 15 years of age when she died.

At the point when the occurrence occurred, she was voyaging home from a get-away outing to Nice with her dad and a companion.

On Channel 4, Natasha’s dad Nadim depicted his misery as he needed to defenselessly watch the passing of his little girl.

Natasha died from an unfavorably susceptible response subsequent to eating a Pret roll containing sesame. She had purchased the bread, in addition to other things, from Heathrow Airport.

The episode occurred on a British Airways departure from London to France. She had imparted the roll to her Father Nadim and afterward fell an hour after the fact.

The youngster had a condition called Anaphylaxis. She was seriously susceptible to sesame seeds, and eating even a modest quantity was perilous to her.

The dealers of the thing had neglected to reveal the contents and ingredients on their naming.

‘Natasha’s law’ is the name given to the new law presented as a result of Natasha. The law is with respect to food and wellbeing security.

— Jill Paterson (@paterson_jill) October 1, 2021

The law requires food producers and retailers to show and uncover full ingredient and allergen marking on all food bundling.

Natasha’s folks communicated that they were appreciative for the detailing of the new guidelines. Their long excursion of lobbying for the purpose at last happened as expected.

Today the “Natasha’s Law’ secures 2 to 3m individuals in the UK with food sensitivities from dangerous unfavorably susceptible responses.